Monday, July 7, 2008

Olympics bumps Mao

For the firt time in a decade China will issue currency notes without the picture of Chairman Mao. The new ten yuan note will carry a picture of a discus thrower and the new Beijing stadium, with the Temple of Heaven serving as the background.
Source: Yahoo news

Indian embassy in Kabul attacked

A suicide bomber has attacked the gates of the Indian embassy in Kabul, killing 41 people and injuring 141 others. Five embassy personnel were killed, including India's defence attache, a senior diplomat. Two diplomats were also killed in the Indonesian embassy nearby.

No group has admitted the attack, which is the biggest in Kabul since 2001. President Karzai said the attackers did this to rupture relations between India and Afghanistan. Condeming the attack, the Indian government said that this attack would not change its commitment to the people of Afghanistan.
Source: BBC News, AP

Left Out?

The four left parties will withdraw their support to the UPA Government on the 10th of July. Forward Bloc leader, Debabrata Biswas, said the four parties had unanimously decided withdraw support to the Government as it was clear that it was proceeding with the Indo-US nuclear deal.

This comes after the Government refused to meet the Left's deadline and clarify if they are taking forward the India-US nuclear deal.